The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) Glass Leadership Institute (GLI) was founded in 1998 to energize a new generation of committed activists to dedicate themselves to ADL’s vital mission.

The Mission
The goal of the program is to provide broad exposure to ADL’s programs and resources and create a cadre of adults who will take on regional and national leadership positions in  ADL.  Participants gain first-hand exposure to ADL’s activities and resources on the following:

  • ADL’s mission and history
  • Antisemitism
  •  ADL Education
  • Law Enforcement
  •  Advocacy, Policy, and Civil Rights
  • Countering Extremism
  •  Israel and Zionism

What Makes a Glass Leadership Institute Participant?
The Glass Leadership Institute is made up of a specially selected group of individuals who are chosen by ADL and other community leaders, as well as past Glass Leadership Institute participants.  Participants are chosen based on their demonstrated leadership qualities in the Jewish and general communities as well as their interest in Fighting Hate for Good.

Who We Are
The ADL Glass Leadership Institute is made up of a dynamic group of people between the ages of 25 and 45.  Members come from an array of professional backgrounds including law, medicine, education, marketing, technology, sales, politics, real estate, nonprofit, and human relations sectors.

What We Do
The Leadership Institute addresses front-page topics on the ADL agenda.  Top experts are brought in for in-depth discussions with participants.  The group meets weekly with the penultimate experience at National Leadership Summit at Never Is Now in New York City.

Know an amazing young leader? Nominate them to be in our next class!
Click here to nominate an amazing young leader!

Requirements and Expectations for Participation

1. Attend hybrid meetings either in person via Zoom: Each session takes a deep dive on a specific facet of ADL’s work. Attendance is mandatory and participants can only miss a maximum of two sessions if they wish to graduate from the program. [Click here for the GLI Schedule]

2. Participate in ADL’s National Leadership Summit (NLS)This conference has been a highlight for GLI participants and will be held at Never Is Now in New York for the first time in 2024. Past speakers included former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the late Senator John McCain to name a few.

3.  You are asked to make a personal and meaningful annual gift to the Anti-Defamation League.  There is a $180 minimum recommended contribution for each participant.  Throughout the course of GLI, you will learn how gifts from ADL’s leadership impact ADL’s core work. If this is a concern prohibiting you from applying, please contact ADL staff for further discussion.

4.  Attend other ADL meetings and events. Attendance at these meetings will equip participants with hands-on knowledge of how the agency functions. These meetings are crucial to the development of ADL leaders, providing participants with additional opportunities to meet ADL senior leadership, and will give participants an opportunity to find their niche in the organization.