Glass Leadership Institute
Glass Leadership Institute
Established over 20 years ago, The Glass Leadership Institute (GLI) is the cornerstone leadership development program at ADL. GLI empowers young professionals to fight antisemitism and hate in their own communities and provides unique opportunities to explore ADL’s core mission, “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment to all.”
GLI offers participants an insider’s perspective of ADL’s programs and a deep understanding of the cutting-edge strategies employed to confront antisemitism and hate. Participants engage in dynamic, interactive sessions on a broad range of topics, exposing them to the important work of fighting hate for good.
2025 Session Topics
- Antisemitism
- Extremism
- Leadership
- Campus
- Strategic Communications
- International Affairs
Know an amazing young leader? Nominate them to be in our next class!
Click here to nominate an amazing young leader!
- Attend meetings via Zoom: Each session takes a deep dive on a specific facet of ADL’s work. Attendance is mandatory and participants can only miss a maximum of two sessions if they wish to graduate from the program. [Click here for the GLI Schedule]
- Participate in ADL’s National Leadership Summit (NLS): This conference has been a highlight for GLI participants and is the culmination of the program. Past speakers included former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the late Senator John McCain to name a few.
- You are asked to make a personal and meaningful annual gift to the Anti-Defamation League. There is a $180 minimum recommended contribution for each participant, but in no way should the amount discourage anyone from applying.